5. November 2016

My trip to Sweden part 5: Säljeryd

Blog Post #8

Since the departure back to Cologne came closer and closer, I decided to end my trip spending some more time in Säljeryd, a small alternative farm collective near Växjo. I had crashed there before and wanted to see all the wonderful people again. My stay there was brilliant fun, if you plan to visit Sweden you should definitely consider going to the festival they organise, which takes place in summer. More info here: saljerydfestivalen.se

I hope my Photos kind of give you an impression of how simple and fun life is there.

Two awesome guys from Eastern Germany swung by with their Hymer motorhome.

Group photo after a serious waterfight (if it was for the dogs, we would never have stopped the fight..)

Meet the convertible VW LT motorhome, courtesy of Eric:

Besides hanging around the campfire, being creative and cooking excellent food every day, we organised a small Permaculture festival with (among others) a felting course and went to a Tinyhouse convention in Växjo, which was pretty interesting.

Naturally, they had a Vanagon at the Tinyhouse convention.

Since I love building stuff from wood and wanted to give something back to the collective, I created a small outpost in a tree, which has become quite a cozy place for relaxing and observing nature. Also, I rebuilt all the pathways surrounding it since they were pretty rotten.

Thanks to everybody who made my trip this amazing! I will definitely come back to Sweden in the future. This was the last post so far, already very excited for next year's adventures.


3. Oktober 2016

My trip to Sweden part 4: Öland to Gothenburg

Blog Post #6

After our awesome time on Öland, the weather got quite bad. We decided head to Jönköpping, Trollhättan and finally Gothenburg to see some city life and come closer to our destination, the Swedish West Coast. Since both of us are petrolheads, we visited some car museums.

The first stop was the Husqvarna museum near Jönköpping. Note how many different products the company manufactured during it's over 300 year long existence. They made everything from motorcycles, ovens, bicycles, guns, sewing machines to even rocket launchers!

After that we went to Trollhättan and found a beautiful spot right next to the huge hydroelectric plant right in the centre of the city. We explored the city and went to the Saab car museum the next morning.

Since we were at it already, we decided to drive further to Gothenburg the same day and visit the Volvo museum there.

A Very Swedish Photo: Volvo XC90 built from Lego.

Philip playing angry bus driver.

In Gothenburg we spent some days visiting a friend, drinking a lot of Swedish beer and exploring the city. Philip then took a plane back to Germany and I continued my way down the West Coast and finally headed to the Säljeryd community. This time will be featured in the next blog post, which will be the last one dealing with my journey to Sweden.

Gothenburg is a very exquisite city right by the sea, with a vivid nightlife and alternative scene. Thanks to everybody who made my time there such a joy!

- M